alan stephenson

My Story

Hi, I’m ALan stephenson

I am a motivational speaker who trains leaders, has authored several books and writes poetry.


A Speaker and Activist

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Bestselling Author

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The Founder of The Joshua Foundation

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What Alan does

Consciousness Raising Talks

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati.

Cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Some history


in 1990 land was obtained just 13 km outside of Arusha, center of Cape to Cairo and since then The
Joshua Foundation
has grown to cover 31 acres of riverine land. Facilities
now include residential houses, training classrooms, a school for 300 marginalized
children (including special needs), recreational areas, a safari visitors’
center and more. (More information is provided here.)


Alan was born in the arabesque coastal town of Lindi in 1952, of Kenyan-born parents. His grandparents arrived in East Africa before and after wwI, establishing schools, literacy programs and churches. Alan’s Dad, “Steve” Stephenson, was District Commissioner in many parts of Tanzania until its independence in 1961. At the request of the first president, Julius Nyerere, he then opened various National Parks in the country: Ruaha, Mikumi, Gombe and Katavi. He also helped launch the Ngorongoro Highlands Conservancy and was Serengeti Chief Park warden in the early 1970s


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Alan’s passion is the positive transformation of individuals and communities in all three spheres of life: spirit, soul and body. This aim characterizes his courses, books, programs and lifestyle.

Alan and Lynda have three grown, happily married children, all of whom live in New Zealand. They have five wonderful grandchildren.

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